McConnelsville, Ohio, is a quaint and charming small town perched along the banks of the Muskingum River, in Morgan County. Offering a glance into history, the city boasts several 19th-century Victorian buildings and homes, complemented by the idyllic scenery that paints a picturesque backdrop. This city is known for its Roger's Auction Barn, undoubtedly a significant rendezvous for local farmers, alongside, renowned recreational land, AEP ReCreation Land, showcasing the beauty of Ohio's wilderness. Embodied with rich cultural character and amicable community spirit, McConnelsville is an emblem of tight-knit, rural American living.
Fahey Imports is McConnelsville's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 3317 State Route 93 NE, Crooksville, OH 43731.